Namespace xlifepp::iomel#
namespace iomel
namespace dedicated to management of Melina mesh format
number_t checkPointNumbers(const vector<vector<number_t>> &elt_wise_numbers, const pair<number_t, number_t> &mM)
void domainRead(StringInput &mi, const char kindom, const number_t e1, const char code, MeshDomain *meshdom_p, const vector<GeomElement*> &elements, number_t &no_sideElt)
build domain component list from input stream (reads domain list of elements/components)
void domainReadComponents(StringInput &mi, const number_t e1, const char f, const vector<GeomElement*> &elements, vector<GeomElement*> &domainElements, number_t &no_sideElt)
reads the component list defining a boundary domain or point-wise domain
void domainReadElements(StringInput &mi, const number_t e1, const char nxc, const vector<GeomElement*> &elements, vector<GeomElement*> &domainElements)
reads the element list defining an element domain
char domainReadKind(StringInput &mi, number_t &e1, char &code, dimen_t &dimdom)
find domain kind from input stream: list of elements (E) or components (C) Also returns the number of the first element e1, and the domain dimension in the components case (unset otherwise).
number_t loadDescription(StringInput &mi, dimen_t &spaceDim)
loads mesh description from input file
Syntax: < Description du maillage ^ Mesh Description > < Variables d’’espace ^ Space variables > : &S1 [&S2 [&S3]] < Nombre d’’elements ^ Number of elements > : &I
void loadDomain(StringInput &mi, const Mesh &msh, number_t &no_sideElt, vector<GeomDomain*> &domains_)
loads a domain description from input file
GeomElement *loadGeomElement(ifstream &ifs, const Mesh *msh, const RefElement *r_e, dimen_t spaceDim, vector<real_t> &elt_coords, vector<number_t> &elt_numbers, const number_t no_elt, pair<number_t, number_t> &minmax)
loads a Geom Element of mesh from input file
string loadTitle(StringInput &mi)
loadTitle loads mesh Title from input file.
Syntax: Titre/Title “title as a string” or Titre/Title &I (followed by) “title as &I lines of input”
void Points_and_Elements(const number_t nb_points, const vector<vector<real_t>> &elt_wise_coords, const vector<vector<number_t>> &elt_wise_numbers, dimen_t spaceDim, vector<Point> &Nodes, vector<GeomElement*> &Elements)
defines mesh nodes and elements_ members: create Nodes vector and set Points in Elements from the number of points in Mesh and element-wise arrays coords and numbers
dimen_t readVarNames(StringInput &mi)
Reads variable names from input mesh file and returns the space dimension.
void updateGeomElement(GeomElement *ge_p, vector<number_t>::const_iterator gnum_el, const number_t nbPts, const RefElement *re_p, vector<Point> &nodes)
Utilitary function to update MeshElement part of the GeomElement ge_p.
std::pair<string_t, ShapeType> shapeList[] = {std::make_pair("se", _segment), std::make_pair("tr", _triangle), std::make_pair("qu", _quadrangle), std::make_pair("te", _tetrahedron), std::make_pair("he", _hexahedron), std::make_pair("pr", _prism)}
Strings corresponding to the ShapeType identifiers (defined in config.hpp) taken into account by Melina format.
class ElementBlock
class StringInput
#include <StringInput.hpp>
This class is used by the function Mesh::loadMelina to read data from a file containing a mesh in Melina format.
number_t checkPointNumbers(const vector<vector<number_t>> &elt_wise_numbers, const pair<number_t, number_t> &mM)