Class xlifepp::Cone#
class Cone : public xlifepp::Trunk#
Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::Cone:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::Cone:
A cone is a volume defined by a section (the basis) and a direction vector The direction vector is not necessarily orthogonal to the basis, but both bases are necessarily parallel A Cone is a Trunk with scale factor equal to 0 !!!
Cone constructors are based on a key-value system. Here are the available keys:
_basis: to define the geometrical basis of a Cone (a child object of Surface)
_apex: the apex of the Cone
_center1: to define the center of the basis when they are elliptical
_v1, _v2: to define apogees of the basis when it is elliptical
_nnodes: to define the number of nodes on the edges of the Cone
_hsteps: to define the local mesh steps on build points of the Cone
_domain_name: to define the domain name
_side_names: to define the side names
_varnames: to define the variable names for print purpose
Subclassed by xlifepp::Pyramid
Public Functions
Cone(bool defineBasisAndP = true)#
default constructor
Cone(Parameter p1, Parameter p2, Parameter p3, Parameter p4, Parameter p5)#
constructor with 5 Parameter
Cone(Parameter p1, Parameter p2, Parameter p3, Parameter p4, Parameter p5, Parameter p6)#
constructor with 6 Parameter
Cone(Parameter p1, Parameter p2, Parameter p3, Parameter p4, Parameter p5, Parameter p6, Parameter p7)#
constructor with 7 Parameter
virtual string_t asString() const#
format as string
inline virtual void computeMB()#
compute the minimal box for a composite/loop geometry
compute the minimal box
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> curves() const#
returns list of curves (const)
inline virtual Cone &homothetize(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a homothety on a Cone (2 keys)
inline virtual Cone &homothetize(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), real_t factor = 1.)#
apply a homothety on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &pointReflect(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.))#
apply a point reflection on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &reflect2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection2d on a Cone (2 keys)
inline virtual Cone &reflect2d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.)#
apply a reflection2d on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &reflect2d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2, 0.))#
apply a reflection2d on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &reflect3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection3d on a Cone (2 keys)
inline virtual Cone &reflect3d(const Point &c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.)#
apply a reflection3d on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &reflect3d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.))#
apply a reflection3d on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &rotate2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 2D on a Cone (2 keys)
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Cone (2 keys)
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2, const Parameter &p3)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Cone (3 keys)
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(const Point &c, std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.), real_t angle = 0.)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Cone
inline virtual Cone &rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Cone
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> surfs() const#
returns list of faces (const)
virtual Cone &transform(const Transformation &t)#
apply a geometrical transformation on a Cone