Class xlifepp::SkylineStorage#
class SkylineStorage : public xlifepp::MatrixStorage#
Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::SkylineStorage:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::SkylineStorage:
abstract base class of all skyline storage classes
Subclassed by xlifepp::DualSkylineStorage, xlifepp::SymSkylineStorage
Public Functions
SkylineStorage(AccessType = _dual, string_t id = "SkylineStorage")#
constructor by access type
SkylineStorage(number_t, AccessType = _dual, string_t id = "SkylineStorage")#
constructor by access type, number of columns and rows (same)
SkylineStorage(number_t, number_t, AccessType = _dual, string_t id = "SkylineStorage")#
constructor by access type, number of columns and rows
inline virtual ~SkylineStorage()#
virtual destructor
virtual const std::vector<number_t> &colPointer() const = 0#
colPointer of skyline storage (return rowPointer in _sym access)
virtual number_t lowerPartSize() const = 0#
size of lower triangular part except for Dual/SkylineStorage
virtual MatrixStorage *toDual()#
create a new skyline storage from sym skyline storage
virtual MatrixStorage *toSkyline(AccessType at = _dual)#
create skyline storage from current storage
SkylineStorage(AccessType = _dual, string_t id = "SkylineStorage")#