Class xlifepp::Operator#
template<class ScalarType>
class Operator#
Inheritence diagram for xlifepp::Operator:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::Operator:
xlifepp’s templated virtual class for constructing an operator that can interface with the OperatorTraits class used by the eigensolvers.
A concrete implementation of this class is necessary. The user can create their own implementation if those supplied are not suitable for their needs.
Subclassed by xlifepp::LargeMatrixAdapter< MatrixType, ScalarType >, xlifepp::LargeMatrixAdapterInverse< MatrixType, ScalarType >, xlifepp::LargeMatrixAdapterInverseGeneralized< MatrixType, ScalarType >
inline Operator()#
Default constructor.
inline virtual ~Operator()#
Operator application method
virtual void apply(const MultiVec<ScalarType> &x, MultiVec<ScalarType> &y) const = 0#
This method takes the MultiVec
and applies the operator to it resulting in the MultiVecy
inline Operator()#