Class xlifepp::ProductIM#

class ProductIM : public xlifepp::DoubleIM#

Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::ProductIM:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="xlifepp::DoubleIM" tooltip="xlifepp::DoubleIM"] "3" [label="xlifepp::IntegrationMethod" tooltip="xlifepp::IntegrationMethod"] "1" [label="xlifepp::ProductIM" tooltip="xlifepp::ProductIM" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::ProductIM:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="xlifepp::DoubleIM" tooltip="xlifepp::DoubleIM"] "3" [label="xlifepp::IntegrationMethod" tooltip="xlifepp::IntegrationMethod"] "1" [label="xlifepp::ProductIM" tooltip="xlifepp::ProductIM" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "4" [label="xlifepp::SingleIM" tooltip="xlifepp::SingleIM"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="usage"] "4" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

product of single integration methods

Public Functions

ProductIM(const ProductIM&)#

copy constructor

ProductIM(const SingleIM &imx, const SingleIM &imy)#

basic constructor

ProductIM(const SingleIM &imxy)#

basic constructor

ProductIM(QuadRule quad_x, number_t ord_x, QuadRule quad_y, number_t ord_y)#

constructor from two quadrature rules (Quadrature not built in!)

ProductIM(QuadRule quad_xy, number_t ord_xy)#

constructor from a quadrature rule (Quadrature not built in!)

ProductIM(ShapeType, QuadRule quad_x, number_t ord_x, QuadRule quad_y, number_t ord_y)#

constructor from a shape and two quadrature rules

ProductIM(ShapeType, QuadRule quad_xy = _defaultRule, number_t ord_xy = 0)#

constructor from a shape and a quadrature rule

ProductIM(SingleIM *imx = nullptr, SingleIM *imy = nullptr)#

basic constructor



inline SingleIM *getxIM() const#

get x-integration method

inline SingleIM *getyIM() const#

get y-integration method

ProductIM &operator=(const ProductIM&)#

assign operator

virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const#

print on //stream

inline virtual bool useQuadraturePoints() const#

returns true if quadrature points are used