Class xlifepp::CrackData#
class CrackData#
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::CrackData:
store data related to a crack: domain name, domain id and dimension
Public Functions
inline CrackData()#
default constructor
inline CrackData(string_t name, number_t i, number_t d, const MinimalBox &mb, number_t domId = 0)#
std::vector<real_t> computeNormal() const#
compute the normal vector for a 1D (in plane) or 2D (in space) cracked domain
void print(std::ostream&) const#
print mesh data
Public Members
string_t domainName#
name of the domain supporting the crack
MinimalBox minimalBox#
minimal box of the geometry supporting the crack
inline CrackData()#