Class xlifepp::Geometry#
class Geometry#
Inheritence diagram for xlifepp::Geometry:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::Geometry:
handles geometric data of the physical problem
Subclassed by xlifepp::Curve, xlifepp::SetOfElems, xlifepp::SetOfPoints, xlifepp::Surface, xlifepp::Volume
Public Functions
void constructor
explicit Geometry(const BoundingBox &bb, const string_t &na = "", ShapeType sh = _noShape, const string_t &nx = "x", const string_t &ny = "y", const string_t &nz = "z")#
basic constructor from bounding box
Geometry(const BoundingBox &bb, dimen_t d, const string_t &na = "", ShapeType sh = _noShape, const string_t &nx = "x", const string_t &ny = "y", const string_t &nz = "z")#
basic constructor from bounding box and dim
explicit Geometry(const string_t &fn)#
constructor from file (only Brep up to now)
init variable names, check domName (dim_ has to be already set !!!)
explicit Geometry(dimen_t d, const string_t &na = "", ShapeType sh = _noShape, const string_t &nx = "x", const string_t &ny = "y", const string_t &nz = "z")#
basic constructor from (unit bounding box)
constructor from file (only Brep up to now)
void addSuffix(const string_t &s)#
add a suffix to all names (geometry names and side domain names) format as string
const Parametrization &boundaryParametrization() const#
return boundary_parametrization if allocated
inline Parametrization *boundaryParametrizationP()#
return boundary prametrization pointer
virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const#
return the list of boundary nodes defining the Geometry
bool buildC0PiecewiseParametrization() const#
try to build piecewise parametrization (for composite geometry)
build C0 piecewise parametrization of a composite geometry if not built
void buildConnectedParts() const#
build connectedParts structure
build connectedParts:
collect all the geometry components of same dimension that are connected
connected parts are sorted so that two geometries are adjacent to each other connectedParts is empty for canonical geometry
Parametrization &buildParametrization() const#
build parametrization if not built (for canonical geometry)
build parametrization of a composite geometry if not built
void buildPiecewiseParametrization() const#
build non C0 piecewise parametrization (for composite geometry)
void buildSideMaps(std::map<Geometry*, std::vector<std::set<number_t>>> &geomsides, std::map<std::set<number_t>, std::list<std::pair<Geometry*, number_t>>> &sidemap) const#
build side maps used by buildPiecewiseParametrisation functions
build non C0 piecewise parametrization (for composite geometry)
Strings buildSideNamesAfterCheck(number_t n, number_t n2 = 0) const#
check if n side names are given and complete when single or empty
We check if sideNames_ has size 0, 1, or n and return an equivalent Strings of size n n2 is an optional secondary possible size (case for some particular geometries)
void checkSideNamesAndUpdate(number_t n, number_t n2 = 0)#
check if n side names are given and update size when single or empty
We check if sideNames_ has size 0, 1, or n and update it with size n n2 is an optional secondary possible size (case for some particular geometries)
void cleanInclusions()#
clean geometries_ so that inclusions are not included by other ones in the list
void clearCompositeData()#
clear components_, geometries_, loops_ and connectedParts_ data
void clearExtrusionData()#
clear extrusionData_
void clearParametrization()#
reset parametrization pointers
virtual void collect(const string_t &n, std::list<Geometry*> &geoms) const#
collect in a list all canonical geometry’s with name n
void computeBB()#
compute the bounding box for a composite/loop geometry
inline virtual void computeMB()#
compute the minimal box for a composite/loop geometry
compute the minimal box
inline const std::vector<std::vector<int_t>> &connectedParts() const#
accessor to connectedParts_ (const)
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> curves() const#
return the list of curves defining the borders of a 2D Geometry
inline string_t &domName()#
get the domain name (writable)
inline const string_t &domName() const#
get the domain name
inline void domName(const string_t &nm)#
set the domain name
inline virtual EllipsoidSidePart *ellipsoidSidePart()#
access to child Pyramid object
inline virtual const EllipsoidSidePart *ellipsoidSidePart() const#
access to child EllipsoidSidePart object (const)
inline ExtrusionData *extrusionData()#
return the data for extruded geometry
inline const ExtrusionData *extrusionData() const#
return the data for extruded geometry (const)
Geometry *find(const string_t &n) const#
return geometry with name n (a canonical geometry or a composite of canonical geometry’s)
inline const std::map<number_t, std::vector<number_t>> &geometries() const#
accessor to geometries_ (const)
inline virtual const std::vector<real_t> &h() const#
return the hsteps of the geometry
inline virtual Hexahedron *hexahedron()#
access to child Hexahedron object
inline virtual const Hexahedron *hexahedron() const#
access to child Hexahedron object (const)
inline virtual Geometry &homothetize(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a homothety on a Geometry (2 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &homothetize(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), real_t factor = 1.)#
apply a homothety on a Geometry
void init(const string_t &nx = "x", const string_t &ny = "y", const string_t &nz = "z")#
intialize OCData, varNames and check domName
init variable names, check domName, set oc pointer null (dim_ has to be already set)
void initName(const string_t &nx = "x", const string_t &ny = "y", const string_t &nz = "z")#
intialize varNames and check domName
inline virtual bool isClosed() const#
return true if closed geometry
bool isInside(const Geometry &g) const#
check if geometry is inside another geometry (g) build a geometric geodesic starting at (x,dx)
inline virtual bool isPlane() const#
return true if geometry is plane
inline virtual bool isTranslated(const Geometry &g, Point &T) const#
return true if there is a translation between current geometry and an other one, T is the translation vector
inline virtual real_t measure() const#
return the length/area/volume of the geometry
inline virtual number_t n(number_t i) const#
accessor to number of nodes on the Geometry (read only)
inline virtual std::vector<int_t> nnodesPerBorder()#
i-th value is nnodes of the Geometry’s i-th border, else -1 if defined with hsteps
virtual std::vector<const Point*> nodes() const#
return the list of nodes defining the Geometry (const)
inline void ocTransform(const Transformation &t)#
< apply a Transformation to OC oject if available (binding ocTransformP to avoid spoiling a lot of functions with OC macro)
inline virtual Parallelepiped *parallelepiped()#
access to child Parallelepiped object
inline virtual const Parallelepiped *parallelepiped() const#
access to child Parallelepiped object (const)
inline virtual Parallelogram *parallelogram()#
access to child Parallelogram object
inline virtual const Parallelogram *parallelogram() const#
access to child Parallelogram object (const)
const Parametrization ¶metrization() const#
return parametrization if allocated
inline Parametrization *parametrizationP()#
return parametrization pointer
inline virtual ParametrizedArc *parametrizedArc()#
access to child CircArc object
inline virtual const ParametrizedArc *parametrizedArc() const#
access to child CircArc object (const)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface *parametrizedSurface()#
access to child ParametrizedSurface object
inline virtual const ParametrizedSurface *parametrizedSurface() const#
access to child ParametrizedSurface object (const)
inline virtual Geometry &pointReflect(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a point reflection on a Geometry (1 key)
inline virtual Geometry &pointReflect(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.))#
apply a point reflection on a Geometry
inline virtual Polyhedron *polyhedron()#
access to child Polyhedron object
inline virtual const Polyhedron *polyhedron() const#
access to child Polyhedron object (const)
void printBoundNodes(std::ostream &os) const#
print Geometry boundNodes() vector
inline virtual void printDetail(std::ostream &os) const#
print additional information
inline virtual Quadrangle *quadrangle()#
access to child Quadrangle object
inline virtual const Quadrangle *quadrangle() const#
access to child Quadrangle object (const)
inline virtual Geometry &reflect2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection2d on a Geometry (2 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &reflect2d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.)#
apply a reflection2d on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &reflect2d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2, 0.))#
apply a reflection2d on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &reflect3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection3d on a Geometry (2 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &reflect3d(const Point &c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.)#
apply a reflection3d on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &reflect3d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.))#
apply a reflection3d on a Geometry
inline virtual RevCylinder *revCylinder()#
access to child RevCylinder object
inline virtual const RevCylinder *revCylinder() const#
access to child RevCylinder object (const)
inline virtual Geometry &rotate2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 2D on a Geometry (2 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &rotate2d(const Point &c, real_t angle = 0.)#
apply a rotation 2D on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Geometry (2 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2, const Parameter &p3)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Geometry (3 keys)
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(const Point &c, std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.), real_t angle = 0.)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation 3D on a Geometry
void setBoundaryParametrization(const Parametrization &par)#
set boundary_parametrization
inline virtual void setHstep(real_t h)#
set the main h step, if not overriden do nothing
inline virtual SetOfElems *setofelems()#
access to child SetOfElems object
inline virtual const SetOfElems *setofelems() const#
access to child SetOfElems object (const)
inline virtual SetOfPoints *setofpoints()#
access to child SetOfPoints object
inline virtual const SetOfPoints *setofpoints() const#
access to child SetOfPoints object (const)
void setParametrization(const Parametrization &par)#
set parametrization
inline std::vector<string_t> &sideNames()#
returns the list of side domains’ names
inline const std::vector<string_t> &sideNames() const#
returns the list of side domains’ names
inline virtual SplineSurface *splineSurface()#
access to child SplineSurface object
inline virtual const SplineSurface *splineSurface() const#
access to child SplineSurface object (const)
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> surfs() const#
return the list of surfaces defining the borders of a 3D Geometry
inline virtual Tetrahedron *tetrahedron()#
access to child Tetrahedron object
inline virtual const Tetrahedron *tetrahedron() const#
access to child tetrahedron object (const)
inline const string_t &teXFilename() const#
returns tex file name
inline void teXFilename(const string_t &fn)#
set filename to get a TeX output (drawing of the mesh)
virtual Geometry &transform(const Transformation &t)#
apply a geometrical transformation on a Geometry
inline virtual Geometry &translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.)#
apply a translation on a Geometry (3 reals version)
inline virtual Geometry &translate(std::vector<real_t> u)#
apply a translation on a Geometry (vector version)
inline virtual TrunkSidePart *trunkSidePart()#
access to child Pyramid object
inline virtual const TrunkSidePart *trunkSidePart() const#
access to child EllipsoidSidePart object (const)
inline virtual bool withNnodes() const#
check if geometry is defined only with _nnodes or with _hsteps option
Public Members
BoundingBox boundingBox#
the bounding box
mutable bool crackable#
tag to define if the geometry should be cracked or not
mutable string_t crackDomNameToOpen#
when open crack, name to the side domain to open.
mutable bool force#
tag to force inclusion when geometry engines fails
bool isPlaneSurface#
used only for 2D loop geometries
MinimalBox minimalBox#
the smallest box containing the geometry
Public Static Attributes
static bool checkInclusion = true#
to manage inclusion checking in composite algorithms
friend Geometry extrude(const Geometry &g, const Transformation &t, const std::vector<Parameter> &ps)#
main routine for the definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with a list if parameters
main external routine for the definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with a list if parameters
friend Geometry extrude(const Geometry &g, const Transformation &t, number_t layers, std::vector<string_t> sidenames)#
definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with side names
friend Geometry extrude(const Geometry &g, const Transformation &t, number_t layers, string_t domName, std::vector<string_t> sidenames)#
definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with name and side names
friend Geometry extrude(const Geometry &g, const Transformation &t, std::vector<string_t> sidenames)#
definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with side names
friend Geometry extrude(const Geometry &g, const Transformation &t, string_t domName, std::vector<string_t> sidenames)#
definition of a geometry by extrusion of another geometry, with name and side names
friend Geometry operator+(const Geometry &g1, const Geometry &g2)#
union of g1 and g2 (general case)
friend Geometry planeSurfaceFrom(const Geometry &c, string_t domName)#
definition of a geometry 2D from an union of boundaries 1D
friend Geometry ruledSurfaceFrom(const Geometry &c, string_t domName)#
definition of a geometry 2D from an union of boundaries 1D
friend Geometry surfaceFrom(const Geometry &c, string_t domName, bool isPlaneSurface)#
definition of a geometry 2D from its boundary 1D
definition of a geometry 2D from an union of boundaries 1D
friend Geometry toComposite(const Geometry &g)#
conversion of a canonical or loop Geometry into a composite geometry with one component
return a composite geometry with only one component: g
if g is canonical, the components_ vector contains only g
if g is loop, the components_ vector contains every border of g and g itself
if g is composite, it does nothing
this function is necessary when initializing composite Geometry before using += and -= operators