
1D Laplace problem with Dirichlet condition

1D Laplace problem with Robin condition

2D/3D Laplace problem with Neumann condition

2D Laplace problem with periodic condition

2D Laplace problem with transmission condition

2D Laplace problem with average condition

2D Laplace Problem with Discontinuous Galerkin method and Dirichlet condition

Mixed formulation using P0 and Raviart-Thomas elements

Fictitious domain method

2D Maxwell equations using Nedelec elements

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Laplace operator

3D Helmholtz problem using single layer potential integral equation

2D Helmholtz problem coupling FEM and BEM

2D Elasticity problem

2D Bilaplacian problem

Solving wave equation with Leap-frog scheme

3D Maxwell problem using EFIE

2D Laplace problem with Dirichlet condition

2D Stokes equation

2D Helmholtz problem coupling FEM and integral representation

3D Maxwell equations using Nedelec elements

3D Maxwell equations with PML