2D Laplace Problem with Discontinuous Galerkin method and Dirichlet condition#

Keywords: PDE:Laplace Method:DG FE:Lagrange Condition:Dirichlet Solver:Direct

Consider the Laplace problem with homogeneous Dirichlet condition:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} -\Delta u = f & \mathrm{\;in\;}\Omega \\ u=0 & \mathrm{\;on\;}\partial \Omega \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Consider a discontinuous Galerkin space \(V_h\), e.g. discontinuous P1-Lagrange space and let introduce the IP (Interior Penalty) formulation:

\[\begin{split}\left| \begin{array}{l} \mathrm{find\;} u_h\in V_h \mathrm{\;such\;that\;} \\ \displaystyle \int_\Omega \nabla_hu_h.\nabla_hv -\int_\Gamma \big\{\nabla_hu_h.n\big\}\,\big[v\big] -\int_\Gamma \big[u_h\big]\,\big\{\nabla_hv.n\big\} +\int_\Gamma\mu \big[u_h\big]\,\big[v\big] =\int_\Omega f\,v\quad \forall v\in V_h. \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]

where \(\Omega=\bigcup T_\ell\), \(\Gamma =\bigcup \partial T_\ell\) (the set of all sides of mesh elements) and, \(S_{k,\ell}\) denoting the side shared by the elements \(T_k\) and \(T_\ell\):

\[\big\{v\big\}_{|S_{k\ell}}=\dfrac{1}{2}\left((v_{|T_k})_{|S_{k\ell}} + (v_{|T_\ell})_{|S_{k\ell}} \right )\quad \big[v\big]_{|S_{k\ell}}=\left((v_{|T_k})_{|S_{k\ell}} - (v_{|T_\ell})_{|S_{k\ell}} \right ).\]

For a non-shared side \(S_k\), we set


The operators \(\{.\}\) and \([.]\) are implemented in XLiFE++ as mean() and jump() operators. The normal vector \(n\) is chosen as the outward normal from \(T_k\) on side \(S_{k\ell}\); in practice outward from the “first” parent element of the side. \(\mu\) is a penalty function usually chosen to be proportional to the inverse of the measure of the side \(S_{k\ell}\). Note that the Dirichlet boundary condition is a natural condition in this formulation.

To deal with a such formulation, the following objects have to be constructed from a geometrical domain, say omega:

  • a FE space specifying \(L2\) conformity (discontinuous space) defined on omega

  • the geometrical domain gamma of sides of omega using the function sides()

  • the bilinear form related to IP formulation and involving mean() and jump() operators

The XLiFE++ implementation of this problem using discontinuous P1-Lagrange is the following:

#include "xlife++.h"
using namespace xlifepp;

Real uex(const Point& p, Parameters& pars=defaultParameters)
{return sin(pi_*p(1))*sin(pi_*p(2));}
Real f(const Point& p, Parameters& pars=defaultParameters)
{return 2*pi_*pi_*sin(pi_*p(1))*sin(pi_*p(2));}
Real fmu(const Point& p, Parameters& pars=defaultParameters)
{GeomElement* gelt=getElementP();
 if(gelt!=0) return 1/gelt->measure();
 return 0.;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  init(argc, argv, _lang=en); // mandatory initialization of xlifepp
  // create mesh and geometrical domains
  Rectangle R(_origin=Point(0.,0.),_xlength=1., _ylength=1.,_nnodes=31,_domain_name="Omega");
  Mesh mR(R, _shape=triangle, _generator=structured, _split_direction=alternate);
  Domain omega=mR.domain("Omega");
  Domain gamma=sides(omega);  // create domain of sides
  // create discontinuous P1-Lagrange space
  Space V(_domain=omega, _FE_type=Lagrange, _order=1, _Sobolev_type=L2, _name="V");
  Unknown u(V, _name="u"); TestFunction v(u, _name="v");
  // create bilinear form and TermMatrix
  Function mu(fmu); mu.require("element");
  BilinearForm a=intg(omega,grad(u)|grad(v))-intg(gamma,mean(grad(u)|_n)*jump(v))
  TermMatrix A(a, _name="A");
  // create the right hand side an solve the linear system
  TermVector F(intg(omega,f*v), _name="F");
  TermVector U=directSolve(A,F);
  saveToFile("U", U, _format=vtu);
  // compute L2 error
  TermMatrix M(intg(omega,u*v), _name="M");
  TermVector Uex(u, omega, uex);
  TermVector E=U-Uex;
  theCout<<"  IP : |U-uex|L2 = "<<sqrt(M*E|E)<<eol;
  return 0;

The \(L^2\) error is about \(0.00317\) for 5400 DoFs. Using Paraview with the Warp by scalar filter that produces elevation, the approximated field \(u\) looks like:


Fig. 3 Solution of the 2D Dirichlet problem on the unit square \([0,1]^2\) with discontinuous P1-Lagrange elements, IP formulation (left) and NIPG formulation (right)#

It can be noticed that the field is discontinuous and major errors is located on the corners. NIPG formulation is another penalty method corresponding to the bilinear form:

\[\displaystyle \int_\Omega \nabla_hu_h.\nabla_hv -\int_\Gamma \big\{\nabla_hu_h.n\big\}\,\big[v\big] +\int_\Gamma \big[u_h\big]\,\big\{\nabla_hv.n\big\} +\int_\Gamma\mu \big[u_h\big]\,\big[v\big]\]

that is close to the IP formulation but non-symmetric. For NIPG, the \(L^2\) error is weaker (about \(0.00141\)) and the solution is less polluted at the corners.