Support and Contribution#
Asking for help#
To find help need help while using XLiFE++, you have the user documentation and the source documentation at your disposal. If no answer is found, please send a message to the . If you would like to discuss XLiFE++ development or propose a new feature, please send a message to the .
Reporting bugs#
Contact us#
If you find what you think is a bug, please create an issue on the Inria gitlab repository or send a message to the .
Getting updates notifications#
To be warned when updates are done, it is useful to ask registration to the .
Sending issues#
You have to create a user account on Inria gitlab
You have to contact administrators of XLiFE++ project on Inria gitlab to ask for registration
You connect on Inria gitlab to edit your profile and add ssh keys
You go to the “Issue” menu.
Getting the source code#
XLiFE++ uses Inria gitlab as its main development platform, under a Git repository.
The repository is readable for anyone and writable for registered users when access is given.
Getting developer privileges#
You have to create a user account on Inria gitlab
You have to contact administrators of XLiFE++ project on Inria gitlab to ask for registration
You ask for “Developer” privileges
You connect on Inria gitlab to edit your profile and add ssh keys
You clone the repository