1D Laplace problem with Dirichlet condition#
As a first example, we show how to solve the very simple problem, involving Dirichlet conditions:
\displaystyle -u'' = f & \mathrm{\;in\;} \Omega=\left]0,1\right[ \\
u(0)=u(1) =0 &
Its variational formulation is
\mathrm{Find\;}u\in V=\left\{v\in L^2(\Omega),\ v'\in L^2(\Omega),\ u(0)=u(1)=0 \right\} \mathrm{\;such\;that}\\
\displaystyle \int_0^1u'(x)\,v'(x)dx=\int_0^1f(x)\,v(x)dx\ \ \ \forall v\in V.
The following main program corresponds to solving this problem with \(f(x)=1\) using P1 Lagrange element (100 elements):
#include "xlife++.h"
using namespace xlifepp;
Real f(const Point& P, Parameters& pa = defaultParameters)
{return -1.;}
int main(int argc, char** argv)
init(argc, argv, _lang=en); // mandatory initialization of xlifepp
// mesh and domains
Strings sn("x=0", "x=1");
Segment seg(_xmin=0, _xmax=1, _nnodes=101, _domain_name="Omega", _side_names=sn);
Mesh mesh1d(seg, _generator=structured, _name="P1-mesh");
Domain omega = mesh1d.domain("Omega");
Domain sigmaL = mesh1d.domain("x=0"), sigmaR = mesh1d.domain("x=1");
// space, unknows, and test functions
Space Vh(_domain=omega, _interpolation=P1, _name="Vh");
Unknown u(Vh, _name="u");
TestFunction v(u, _name="v");
// define problem
BilinearForm a = intg(omega, grad(u)|grad(v));
LinearForm lf = intg(omega, f*v);
EssentialConditions ecs = (u|sigmaL = 0) & (u|sigmaR = 0);
// compute matrix and rhs
TermMatrix A(a, ecs, _name="A");
TermVector F(lf, _name="F");
// solve linear system and save solution
TermVector U=directSolve(A, F);
saveToFile("U_1d", U, _format=vtu);
return 0;
The following figure shows a graphical representation of the solution using Paraview:

Fig. 3 Solution of the Laplace 1D problem on the unit segment \([0,1]\)#