Keyword: FE:Lagrange#
With this keyword
- 2D Helmholtz problem coupling FEM and BEM
- 2D Helmholtz problem coupling FEM and integral representation
- 3D Helmholtz problem using single layer potential integral equation
- 1D Laplace problem with Dirichlet condition
- 1D Laplace problem with Robin condition
- 2D Laplace Problem with Discontinuous Galerkin method and Dirichlet condition
- Mixed formulation using P0 and Raviart-Thomas elements
- 2D Laplace problem with Dirichlet condition
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Laplace operator
- 2D/3D Laplace problem with Neumann condition
- 2D Laplace problem with periodic condition
- 2D Laplace problem with transmission condition
- 2D Laplace problem with average condition
- Fictitious domain method
- 3D Maxwell problem using EFIE
- 2D Elasticity problem
- Solving wave equation with Leap-frog scheme