Class xlifepp::SuBilinearForm#

class SuBilinearForm#

Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::SuBilinearForm:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "3" [label="std::vector< T >" tooltip="std::vector< T >"] "2" [label="std::vector< bfPair >" tooltip="std::vector< bfPair >"] "1" [label="xlifepp::SuBilinearForm" tooltip="xlifepp::SuBilinearForm" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="template-instance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="usage"] }

describes a linear combination of bilinear forms with the same pair of Unknowns.

Public Functions

SuBilinearForm(const std::vector<bfPair>&)#

full constructor from a list of BasicBilinearForms

SuBilinearForm(const SuBilinearForm &subf)#

copy constructor

inline SuBilinearForm(SymType sym = _undefSymmetry)#

default constructor



string_t asString() const#

as symbolic string

inline it_vbfp begin()#

iterator to the first element of vector of basic bilinear forms

inline cit_vbfp begin() const#

const iterator to the first element of vector of basic bilinear forms

inline std::vector<bfPair> &bfs()#

access to the list of linear forms

inline const std::vector<bfPair> &bfs() const#

access to the list of linear forms

bool checkConsistancy(const SuBilinearForm&) const#

check consitancy of Unknown

const GeomDomain *dom_up() const#

return the u-domain of the FIRST basic bilinear form

const GeomDomain *dom_vp() const#

return the v-domain of the FIRST basic bilinear form

inline it_vbfp end()#

iterator to the last+1 element of vector of basic bilinear forms

inline cit_vbfp end() const#

const iterator to the last+1 element of vector of basic bilinear forms

bool hasDGUserBF() const#

true if there is at least a UserbilinearForm of type _DGComputation

bool hasJump() const#

true if at least one basic bilinear form has jump like operator

bool isDG() const#

true if a DG SubilinearForm

inline bfPair &operator()(number_t n)#

access to n-th pair

inline const bfPair &operator()(number_t n) const#

access to n-th pair

SuBilinearForm &operator*=(const complex_t&)#

multiply by a complex

SuBilinearForm &operator+=(const SuBilinearForm&)#

sum of bilinear forms

SuBilinearForm &operator-=(const SuBilinearForm&)#

difference of linear forms

SuBilinearForm &operator/=(const complex_t&)#

divide by a complex

SuBilinearForm &operator=(const SuBilinearForm &subf)#

assignment operator

void print(std::ostream&) const#

print utility

SymType setSymType() const#

update the symmetry property

void setUnknowns(const Unknown&, const Unknown&)#

set unknowns of SuBilinearForm

inline number_t size() const#

number of elements of the linear combination

inline SymType &symType()#

access to the symmetry property

inline SymType symType() const#

access to the symmetry property (const)

LinearFormType type() const#

return the type of the bilinear form (intg,doubleIntg,linearCombination)

const Unknown *up() const#

return the first unknown of the bilinear form

const Space *uSpace() const#

return the u space of the bilinear form

ValueType valueType() const#

return the value type of the bilinear form

const Unknown *vp() const#

return the second unknown of the bilinear form

const Space *vSpace() const#

return the v space of the bilinear form