Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::RefTetrahedron:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::RefTetrahedron:
child to class RefElement
Parent class: RefElement Child classes: LagrangeTetrahedron
Subclassed by xlifepp::CrouzeixRaviartTetrahedron, xlifepp::LagrangeTetrahedron, xlifepp::NedelecEdgeTetrahedron, xlifepp::NedelecFaceTetrahedron
Public Functions
inline RefTetrahedron(const Interpolation *interp_p)
constructor by interpolation
inline virtual ~RefTetrahedron()
inline virtual const splitvec_t &getO1splitting() const
returns reference to splitting scheme computed by splitO1
virtual void interpolationData() = 0
returns interpolation data
virtual void sideNumbering() = 0
returns side numbering