Class xlifepp::GeomRefPrism#
class GeomRefPrism : public xlifepp::GeomRefElement#
Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::GeomRefPrism:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::GeomRefPrism:
child class to GeomRefElement
Public Functions
default constructor
inline ~GeomRefPrism()#
virtual bool contains(std::vector<real_t> &p, real_t tol = theTolerance) const#
test if a point belongs to current element
virtual real_t measure(const dimen_t dim, const number_t sideNum = 0) const#
returns edge length or face area
Returns edge length, face area or element volume.
inline number_t sideOppositeVertex(const number_t) const#
returns edge or face opposite to vertex number v
virtual number_t sideWithVertices(const number_t, const number_t) const#
returns local number of edge bearing vertices with local numbers v1 and v2
virtual number_t sideWithVertices(const number_t, const number_t, const number_t, const number_t = 0) const#
returns local number of face bearing vertices with local numbers v1, v2, v3
returns local number of face bearing vertices with local numbers v1, v2, v3 and v4 if not null 1: 1 2 3 100v1+10v2+v3 123 2: 1 2 5 4 124 125 145 245 3: 2 3 6 5 235 236 256 356 4: 1 3 6 4 134 136 146 346 5: 4 5 6 456
inline virtual std::vector<number_t> simplexNodes() const#
node numbers defining first simplex of ref element