Class xlifepp::ParametrizedSurface#
class ParametrizedSurface : public xlifepp::Surface#
Inheritence diagram for xlifepp::ParametrizedSurface:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::ParametrizedSurface:
definition of a ParametrizedSurface geometry in R^3 : x1(u,v), x2(u,v), x3(u,v) As gmsh does not support parametrized surface, to be exported, ParametrizedSurface can be split into _nbparts parts
smaller quadrangles or triangles (_linearPartition)
smaller nurbs (_splinePartition) NOT YET AVAILABLE
ParametrizedSurface constructors are based on a key-value system. Here are the available keys:
_parametrization: parametrization object is handled by Geometry
_partitioning: type of partition, one of _nonePartition*, _linearPartition, _splinePartition
_nbparts: number of partitions
_nnodes: to define the number of nodes on the bound edges
_hsteps: to define the local mesh steps on the bounds nodes
_domain_name: to define the domain name
_side_names: to define the side names
_varnames: to define the variable names for print purpose
Public Functions
default constructor
default is the ParametrizedSurface [0,1]x[0,1]
ParametrizedSurface(const ParametrizedSurface&)#
copy constructor
ParametrizedSurface(Parameter p1, Parameter p2, Parameter p3, Parameter p4)#
constructor with 4 Parameter
ParametrizedSurface(Parameter p1, Parameter p2, Parameter p3, Parameter p4, Parameter p5)#
constructor with 5 Parameter
virtual string_t asString() const#
format as string
virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const#
returns the nodes on boundary (including internal nodes if partition)
virtual Geometry &buildBoundary() const#
create boundary geometry of ParametrizedSurface (composite of ArcParametrization)
create boundary geometry of ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual Surface *cloneS() const#
virtual copy constructor for Geometry
virtual copy constructor for Surface destructor
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> curves() const#
return the list of curves defining the borders of a 2D Geometry
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &homothetize(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a homothety on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &homothetize(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a homothety on a ParametrizedSurface (2 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &homothetize(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), real_t factor = 1.)#
apply a homothety on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &homothetize(real_t factor)#
apply a homothety on a ParametrizedSurface
virtual std::vector<const Point*> nodes() const#
returns the nodes (including internal nodes if partition)
std::vector<const Point*> nodesOnSide(number_t s = 0) const#
return the nodes located on the side s>=1 (any side if s=0)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface *parametrizedSurface()#
access to child ParametrizedSurface object
inline virtual const ParametrizedSurface *parametrizedSurface() const#
access to child ParametrizedSurface object (const)
inline Partitioning partitioning() const#
return Partitioning
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &pointReflect(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a point reflection on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &pointReflect(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.))#
apply a point reflection on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect2d(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a reflection2d on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection2d on a ParametrizedSurface (2 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect2d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.)#
apply a reflection2d on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect2d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2, 0.))#
apply a reflection2d on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect3d(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a reflection3d on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a reflection3d on a ParametrizedSurface (2 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect3d(const Point &c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.)#
apply a reflection3d on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &reflect3d(const Point &c = Point(0., 0., 0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.))#
apply a reflection3d on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate2d(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a rotation 2D on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate2d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 2D on a ParametrizedSurface (2 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate2d(const Point &c, real_t angle = 0.)#
apply a rotation 2D on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface (2 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Parameter &p1, const Parameter &p2, const Parameter &p3)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface (3 keys)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Point &c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(const Point &c, std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3, 0.), real_t angle = 0.)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle)#
apply a rotation 3D on a ParametrizedSurface
inline const Mesh &supportMesh() const#
return pointer to mesh related to geometry support of parametrization
virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<const Point*>>> surfs() const#
return the list of surfaces defining the borders of a 3D Geometry
virtual ParametrizedSurface &transform(const Transformation &t)#
apply a geometrical transformation on a ParametrizedSurface
apply a geometrical transformation to a ParametrizedSurface
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &translate(const Parameter &p1)#
apply a translation on a ParametrizedSurface (1 key)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.)#
apply a translation on a ParametrizedSurface (3 reals version)
inline virtual ParametrizedSurface &translate(std::vector<real_t> u)#
apply a translation on a ParametrizedSurface (vector version)