Class xlifepp::LowRankMatrix#

template<class T>
class LowRankMatrix : public xlifepp::ApproximateMatrix<T>#

Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::LowRankMatrix:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="xlifepp::ApproximateMatrix< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::ApproximateMatrix< T >"] "1" [label="xlifepp::LowRankMatrix< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::LowRankMatrix< T >" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::LowRankMatrix:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "3" [label="xlifepp::Matrix< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::Matrix< T >"] "8" [label="xlifepp::Vector< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::Vector< T >"] "7" [label="std::vector< T >" tooltip="std::vector< T >"] "4" [label="std::vector< T >" tooltip="std::vector< T >"] "6" [label="std::vector< K >" tooltip="std::vector< K >"] "2" [label="xlifepp::ApproximateMatrix< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::ApproximateMatrix< T >"] "1" [label="xlifepp::LowRankMatrix< T >" tooltip="xlifepp::LowRankMatrix< T >" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "5" [label="xlifepp::Matrix< K >" tooltip="xlifepp::Matrix< K >"] "9" [label="xlifepp::Vector< K >" tooltip="xlifepp::Vector< K >"] "3" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "3" -> "5" [dir=forward tooltip="template-instance"] "8" -> "4" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "8" -> "9" [dir=forward tooltip="template-instance"] "6" -> "7" [dir=forward tooltip="template-instance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="usage"] "1" -> "8" [dir=forward tooltip="usage"] "5" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "9" -> "6" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

class dealing with matrix represented by a small sets of vectors A = U D V* with U a (m,r) matrix, V a (n,r) matrix and D a (r,r) diagonal matrix stored as a vector when D=Id it is not stored

Public Functions


default constructor

LowRankMatrix(const LargeMatrix<T>&, HMApproximationMethod = _r3svdCompression, number_t = 0, real_t = theTolerance)#

constructor from LargeMatrix to be compressed

LowRankMatrix(const Matrix<T>&, const Matrix<T>&, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from matrices, no diag

LowRankMatrix(const Matrix<T>&, const Matrix<T>&, const Vector<T>&, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from matrices

LowRankMatrix(number_t m, number_t n, number_t r, bool noDiag, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from dimensions, no diag

LowRankMatrix(number_t m, number_t n, number_t r, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from dimensions

template<typename ITM>
LowRankMatrix(number_t m, number_t n, number_t r, ITM itmu, ITM itmv, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from matrice iterator, no diag

constructor from matrice iterator

template<typename ITM, typename ITV>
LowRankMatrix(number_t m, number_t n, number_t r, ITM itmu, ITM itmv, ITV itd, const string_t &na = "")#

constructor from matrice iterator

LowRankMatrix<T> &add(const LowRankMatrix<T>&, const T&, real_t = 0)#

add a scaled LowRank matrix to current one

virtual ApproximateMatrix<T> *clone() const#

create a clone

std::vector<T> col(number_t) const#

j-th column of UDV* (j>=1)

LowRankMatrix<T> &compress(HMApproximationMethod cm, number_t r = 0, real_t eps = theTolerance)#

compression of the LowRankMatrix

compression of LowRankMatrix cm: compression method one of _svdCompression, _rsvdCompression, _r3svdCompression, _acaFull, _acaPartial, _acaPlus r: prescribed rank eps: prescribed precision if r>0 use prescribed rank else use prescribed precision

virtual void extend(const std::vector<number_t> &rowIndex, const std::vector<number_t> &colIndex, number_t m = 0, number_t n = 0)#

extend LowRankMatrix to larger numbering

extend LowRankMatrix to row and col parent numberings let I, J the row and col numbering of current LowRankMatrix (UI*D*VJ) related to parent numberings the new LowRankMatrix is

|UI|     |VJ|'   |UI*D*VJ'  0 |
|  | |D| |  |  = |            |
|0 |     |0 |    |   0      0 |
so extract (I, J) part consists in extending col of U and V

rowIndex: indices of rows starting at 1 colIndex: indices of cols starting at 1 m: number of rows of extended matrix n: number of cols of extended matrix if m=0 it is deduced from the rowIndex vector: m = max rowIndex if n=0 it is deduced from the colIndex vector: n = max colIndex

virtual LowRankMatrix<T> *extract(const std::vector<number_t> &rowIndex, const std::vector<number_t> &colIndex) const#

extract part of ApproximateMatrix (virtual)

extract part of LowRankMatrix given by row indices I and col indices J if low rank matrix has the form |UI| |VJ|’ |UI*D*VJ’ UI*D*VL’| | | |D| | | = | | |UK| |VL| |UK*D*VJ’ UK*D*VL’| so extract (I, J) part consists in building the new low rank matrix UI*D*VJ’ in other words, extract rows I of U and rows J of V

void fromLargeMatrix(const LargeMatrix<T>&)#

build LowRankMatrix from LargeMatrix

build low rank matrix from LargeMatrix

virtual void luFactorize(bool withPermutation = false)#

LU factorization.

virtual void multLeftMatrixCol(T *M, T *R, number_t p) const#

left product by a col dense matrix (matCol*L)-> col matrix

do the product R = M * L where L is the current LowRankMatrix, L=U*D*Vt, U (m,r) matrix, V (n,r) matrix stored as dense row, D (r,r) diagonal matrix stored as vector M a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value R a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value p the number of rows of M

virtual void multLeftMatrixRow(T *M, T *R, number_t p) const#

left product by a row dense matrix (matRow*L)-> row matrix

do the product R = M * L where L is the current LowRankMatrix, L=U*D*Vt, U (m,r) matrix, V (n,r) matrix stored as dense row, D (r,r) diagonal matrix stored as vector M a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value R a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value p the number of rows of M

virtual void multMatrixCol(T *M, T *R, number_t p) const#

right product by a col dense matrix (L*matCol)-> col matrix

do the product R = L * M where L is the current LowRankMatrix, L=U*D*Vt, U (m,r) matrix, V (n,r) matrix stored as dense row, D (r,r) diagonal matrix stored as vector M a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value R a dense col matrix given by its pointer to first value p the number of cols of M

virtual void multMatrixRow(T *M, T *R, number_t p) const#

right product by a row dense matrix (L*matRow)-> row matrix

do the product R = L * M where L is the current LowRankMatrix, L=U*D*Vt, U (m,r) matrix, V (n,r) matrix stored as dense row, D (r,r) diagonal matrix stored as vector M a dense row matrix given by its pointer to first value R a dense row matrix given by its pointer to first value p the number of cols of M

virtual std::vector<T> &multMatrixVector(const std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&) const#

virtual product matrix * vector

virtual std::vector<T> &multVectorMatrix(const std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&) const#

virtual product vector * matrix

virtual real_t norminfty() const#

infinite norm

T operator()(number_t i, number_t j) const#

coefficient i,j of UDV* (i>=1, j>=1), expansive

LowRankMatrix<T> &operator*=(const T&)#

multiply by a scalar

LowRankMatrix<T> &operator+=(const LowRankMatrix<T>&)#

add a LowRank matrix to current one

LowRankMatrix<T> &operator-=(const LowRankMatrix<T>&)#

substract a LowRank matrix to current one

LowRankMatrix<T> &operator/=(const T&)#

divide by a scalar

virtual void print(std::ostream&) const#

print to stream

LowRankMatrix<T> &r3svd(real_t eps = theTolerance, number_t t = 0, number_t p = 0, number_t q = 0, number_t maxit = 0)#

r3svd of a low rank matrice

faster random svd for low rank matrix returns the approximate svd USV* as a low rank matrix performing a truncation of singular values using an energy criteria eps: prescribed precision t: number of sampling p: number of over sampling q: power number (q=0 gives the standard r3svd) maxit: maximum of iterations

inline virtual number_t rank() const#

return the real rank, not the prescribed rank

virtual void restrict(const std::vector<number_t> &rowIndex, const std::vector<number_t> &colIndex)#

restrict LowRankMatrix to smaller numbering

restrict a LowRankMatrix to row indices I and col indices J if low rank matrix has the form |UI| |VJ|’ |UI*D*VJ’ UI*D*VL’| | | |D| | | = | | |UK| |VL| |UK*D*VJ’ UK*D*VL’| so extract (I, J) part consists in building the new low rank matrix UI*D*VJ’

std::vector<T> row(number_t) const#

i-th row of UDV* (i>=1)

LowRankMatrix<T> &rsvd(number_t r = 0, real_t eps = theTolerance)#

rsvd of a low rank matrice

random svd for low rank matrix returns the approximate svd USV* as a low rank matrix performing a truncation of singular values at a given rank or below eps r: prescribed rank eps: prescribed precision if r>0 use prescribed rank else use prescribed precision

virtual real_t squaredNorm() const#

squared Frobenius norm

LowRankMatrix<T> &svd(number_t r = 0, real_t eps = theTolerance)#

svd of a low rank matrice

specific svd for low rank matrix returns the svd L=USV* as a low rank matrix performing a truncation of singular values below eps, r: prescribed rank eps: prescribed precision if r>0 use prescribed rank else use prescribed precision

convert to and use svd of class

template<typename I>
void toDenseRow(I itm) const#

convert to dense row matrix passing iterator on the first matrix value

convert to a dense row matrix passed by iterator itm pointing to the first value of dense row matrix

LowRankMatrix<T> &toFirsts(number_t r)#

restrict U_, V_ to their r first cols leading to a LowRankMatrix of rank r

restrict LowRankMatrix vector sets to their r first cols leading to a LowRankMatrix of rank r

virtual LargeMatrix<T> toLargeMatrix(StorageType st = _dense, AccessType = _row) const#

convert to LargeMatrix

convert to LargeMatrix (dense row)

virtual Matrix<T> toMatrix() const#

convert to Matrix (dense row)

Public Members

HMApproximationMethod cm_#

compression method used when re-compress

real_t eps_#

prescribed precision

FactorizationType factorization_#

one of _noFactorization, _lu, _ldlt, _ldlstar, _llt, _llstar, _qr, _umfpack

number_t rank_#

prescribed rank