Class xlifepp::EssentialCondition#
class EssentialCondition#
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::EssentialCondition:
end user class handling symbolic representation of an essential condition
Public Functions
inline EssentialCondition()#
default constructor
EssentialCondition(const EssentialCondition&)#
copy constructor
EssentialCondition(const LcOperatorOnUnknown&, const Function&, ECMethod = _undefECMethod)#
basic constructor lcop =g on D (D given by the LcOpOnUnknown !)
EssentialCondition(const LcOperatorOnUnknown&, const TermVector&, ECMethod = _undefECMethod)#
basic constructor lcop = TV on D (D given by the LcOpOnUnknown !)
EssentialCondition(const LcOperatorOnUnknown&, ECMethod = _undefECMethod)#
basic constructor lcop =0 on D (D given by the LcOpOnUnknown !)
EssentialCondition(const LinearForm&, const complex_t& = complex_t(0.))#
constructor from linear form and scalar
EssentialCondition(const TermVector&, const complex_t& = complex_t(0.))#
constructor from linear form and scalar
EssentialCondition(GeomDomain&, const LcOperatorOnUnknown&, const Function&, ECMethod = _undefECMethod)#
basic constructor lcop =0 on D (D given explicitely)
EssentialCondition(GeomDomain&, const LcOperatorOnUnknown&, ECMethod = _undefECMethod)#
basic constructor lcop =0 on D (D given explicitely)
inline const std::vector<OpuValPair> &bcTerms() const#
returns ess.
cond. terms
inline cit_opuval begin() const#
returns const_iterator on first term (const)
void clear()#
clear object
inline complex_t coefficient() const#
return coefficient of first term if a single term condition
inline std::vector<complex_t> coefficients() const#
return vector of coefficients involved in condition
string_t consistency(bool stop = true) const#
analyze consistency of Essential condition
analyze consistency of Essential condition except LinearForm ones analysis rules: each term of ecTerms_ must be attached to a (non void) domain no more than two domains be defined check structure compatibility if stop = true, program stops on error else returns an error message as string_t return a void string_t if no error
void copy(const EssentialCondition&)#
internal copy tool
inline DiffOpType diffOperator() const#
return first differential operator type involved in condition
inline std::set<DiffOpType> diffOperators() const#
return set of differential operator types involved in condition
inline GeomDomain *domain(number_t i = 1) const#
return domain if single domain condition (may be 0 if none)
inline std::set<GeomDomain*> domains() const#
return set of Domains’s involved in condition
inline const LcOperatorOnUnknown &ecTerms() const#
returns ess.
cond. terms
inline cit_opuval end() const#
returns const_iterator on last term (const)
inline bool isHomogeneous() const#
true if = 0 (no function pointer)
inline bool isSingleDomain() const#
true for a single domain B.C
bool isSingleUnknown() const#
true if all terms involve the same unknown
bool isSingleUnknownTV() const#
true if all terms involve the same unknown
inline const TermVector *lfp() const#
returns assembled linear form
string_t name() const#
symbolic name (e.g “u|dom=g”)
string_t nameTV() const#
symbolic name (“tv = c”)
EssentialCondition &operator=(const EssentialCondition&)#
inline EssentialCondition &operator|(GeomDomain &dom)#
restrict BC (all operators) to domain dom using syntax |dom
void print(std::ostream&) const#
print utility
void printTV(std::ostream&) const#
specific print for TermVector EC form
inline void setDomain(GeomDomain &dom)#
restrict BC (all operators) to domain dom
Public Members
complex_t clf#
constant scalar in lf(u)=clf
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, const EssentialCondition&)#
print operator
inline EssentialCondition()#