Class xlifepp::Transformation#
class Transformation#
Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::Transformation:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::Transformation:
handles mesh transformations
Subclassed by xlifepp::Reflection2d, xlifepp::Reflection3d, xlifepp::Rotation2d, xlifepp::Rotation3d, xlifepp::Scaling, xlifepp::Translation
Public Functions
Transformation(const Matrix<real_t> &M, const Vector<real_t> &b = Vector<real_t>(3, 0.))#
explicit constructor from matrix
Transformation(const string_t &nam = "", TransformType trt = _noTransform)#
basic constructor
Transformation(const Transformation &t)#
copy constructor
Transformation(real_t a11, real_t a12, real_t a13, real_t a21, real_t a22, real_t a23, real_t a31, real_t a32, real_t a33, real_t b1 = 0, real_t b2 = 0, real_t b3 = 0)#
explicit constructor from matrix coefficients
virtual ~Transformation()#
void buildMat()#
build mat_ and vec_ related to the linear transformation (general function)
inline virtual Transformation *clone() const#
virtual copy constructor
inline const Transformation *component(number_t i) const#
accessor to i-th component
inline const std::vector<const Transformation*> components() const#
accessor to components
virtual Point inverse(const Point &p) const#
computes the image of a point by the inverse transformation (use matrix representation)
inline string_t name() const#
get the Transformation name
inline void name(const string_t &nm)#
set the Transformation name
Transformation &operator*=(const Transformation &t)#
composition of transformations (general case)
Transformation &operator=(const Transformation &t)#
assign operator
assign operator - deep copy
inline virtual PointReflection *pointReflection()#
access to child PointReflection object
inline virtual const PointReflection *pointReflection() const#
access to child PointReflection object (const)
virtual void print(std::ostream&) const#
build mat_ and vec_ related to the transformation (general function)
print Transformation
inline virtual Reflection2d *reflection2d()#
access to child Reflection object
inline virtual const Reflection2d *reflection2d() const#
access to child Reflection object (const)
inline virtual Reflection3d *reflection3d()#
access to child Reflection3d object
inline virtual const Reflection3d *reflection3d() const#
access to child Reflection3d object (const)
inline virtual Rotation2d *rotation2d()#
access to child Rotation2d object
inline virtual const Rotation2d *rotation2d() const#
access to child Rotation2d object (const)
inline virtual Rotation3d *rotation3d()#
access to child Rotation3d object
inline virtual const Rotation3d *rotation3d() const#
access to child Rotation3d object (const)
real_t scaleFactor() const#
return the scale factor (=1.
if no homotethy in)
inline TransformType transformType() const#
return the geometrical transformation
inline void transformType(TransformType tr)#
sets the geometrical shape
inline virtual Translation *translation()#
access to child Translation object
inline virtual const Translation *translation() const#
access to child Translation object (const)
friend Transformation composeCanonicalAndCanonical(const Transformation &t1, const Transformation &t2)#
composition of canonical transformations
friend Transformation composeCanonicalAndComposite(const Transformation &t1, const Transformation &t2)#
composition of a canonical transformation and a composite transformation
friend Transformation composeCompositeAndCanonical(const Transformation &t1, const Transformation &t2)#
composition of a composite transformation and a canonical transformation
friend Transformation composeCompositeAndComposite(const Transformation &t1, const Transformation &t2)#
composition of composite transformations
friend Transformation operator*(const Transformation &t1, const Transformation &t2)#
composition of transformations (general case)
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, const Transformation&)#
return the scale factor (=1.
output Transformation
if no homothety)
friend Transformation toComposite(const Transformation &t)#
conversion of a canonical Transformation into a composite Transformation with one component
return a composite Transformation with only one component: t
if t is canonical, the components_ vector contains only t
if t is composite, it does nothing
this function is necessary when initializing composite Transformation before using += operator
Transformation(const Matrix<real_t> &M, const Vector<real_t> &b = Vector<real_t>(3, 0.))#