Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::subdivision::PatchGeometry:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::subdivision::PatchGeometry:
abstract base class that defines the geometrical information associated to the patches of the domain.
Subclassed by xlifepp::subdivision::DefaultGeometry, xlifepp::subdivision::SurfRevolution
Public Functions
inline PatchGeometry(const number_t type, const std::string descr)
main constructor
inline virtual ~PatchGeometry()
inline bool curvedShape() const
returns true if the shape is non plane, false otherwise
inline std::string description() const
returns the description of the shape
inline virtual Point EndPt1() const
returns the end points of the axis of a surface of revolution.
Irrelevant for other surfaces.
virtual Point projOnBound(const real_t *coef, const std::vector<Point> &VP) const = 0
projection onto the boundary of the barycenter of the points in VP with coefficients in coef
inline number_t typeOfShape() const
returns the type of shape