Class xlifepp::subdivision::TeXPolygon#
class TeXPolygon#
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::subdivision::TeXPolygon:
Public Functions
TeXPolygon(const pair_nn &prV, const number_t numBoundary, const std::vector<Vertex> &listV)#
constructor for edges
TeXPolygon(const std::vector<number_t> &vrV, const number_t numBoundary, const std::vector<Vertex> &listV)#
main constructor
bool isExtVisible() const#
tells whether the exterior of the face is visible with respect to the observation direction
This function returns true if the exterior of the face is visible with respect to the observation direction, false otherwise.
bool operator<(const TeXPolygon &f) const#
comparison function of two faces
Comparison between two boundary faces U and V, U being the current object.
In short, “U < V” if U is “less” visible than V. The function returns true (“U < V”) or false according to the following algorithm:
if one face is visible and the other hidden, the function returns true if U is hidden and V is visible, false otherwise,
if both faces are hidden or visible, they are sorted in increasing order according to the distance from their isobarycenter to the observation point.
TeXPolygon(const pair_nn &prV, const number_t numBoundary, const std::vector<Vertex> &listV)#