Class xlifepp::Space#
class Space#
Inheritance diagram for xlifepp::Space:
Collaboration diagram for xlifepp::Space:
base class of spaces
Subclassed by xlifepp::FeSpace, xlifepp::ProdSpace, xlifepp::SpSpace, xlifepp::SubSpace
Public Functions
Space(const GeomDomain &dom, const Interpolation &in, const string_t &na, bool opt = true)#
constructor from domain and Interpolation (FeSpace)
constructor of Fe space (from domain and interpolation) if opt=true, dof numbering is optimized to reduce the matrix bandwith
Space(const GeomDomain &dom, const std::vector<number_t> &dofids, Space &sp, const string_t &na = "")#
constructor from GeomDomain, dofIds list and Space (SubSpace)
constructor of subspace from domain, dof numbers list and parent space dofids is the list of dof number ids linked to domain g this constructor is usefull in case of subspace of subspace
Space(const GeomDomain &dom, Space &sp, const string_t &na = "")#
constructor from GeomDomain and Space (SubSpace)
Space(const SpectralBasis &spb, const string_t &na)#
constructor of spectral space from explicit spectral basis
virtual ~Space()#
inline virtual void builddofid2rank() const#
construct the map dofid2rank from dofs list
inline virtual void buildgelt2elt() const#
construct the map gelt2elt from elements list
void buildSpFun(const GeomDomain &dom, const Function &f, number_t nbFun, dimen_t dimFun, const string_t &na)#
real constructor of analytic functions spectral space
Space *buildSubspaces(const std::vector<const GeomDomain*> &doms, std::vector<Space*> &subspaces)#
build subspaces from a list of subdomains and the largest subspace
build subspaces of current space from a list of subdomains, return list of spaces (subspaces) and returns the largest space (pointer to) this function:
travel along domains
identify the largest geometric domain
build the largest subspace
create subspace related to each domain if it does not exist
create dofs numbering between domain subspaces ands largest subspace
dofs numbering: whole space largest subspace domain subspace 1 5 2 2 3 1 3 1 4 5
inline SobolevType conformingSpace() const#
returns space conformity
SubSpace *createSubSpace(const GeomDomain &dom, Space &sp, const string_t &na)#
actual subspace constructor
void createSubSpaces(const std::vector<const GeomDomain*> &doms, std::vector<Space*> &subspaces)#
create subspaces of current space from a list of subdomains
inline virtual const std::map<number_t, number_t> &dofid2rank() const#
return the map dof to rank, built on fly (only for FeSpace and SubSpace)
inline const GeomDomain *domain() const#
returns space related domain
inline virtual const Element &element(GeomElement *gelt) const#
access to element associated to a geomelement
inline virtual const Element &element(number_t k) const#
access to k-th (k>=0) element for FESpace and FESubspace only
inline virtual const Element *element_p(GeomElement *gelt) const#
access to element (pointer) associated to a geomelement
inline virtual const Element *element_p(number_t k) const#
access to k-th element (pointer) for FESpace and FESubspace only
inline virtual const std::vector<number_t> &elementDofs(number_t k) const#
access to dofs ranks (local numbering) of k-th element for FESpace and FESubspace only
inline virtual std::vector<number_t> elementParentDofs(number_t k) const#
access to dofs ranks (parent numbering) of k-th element for FESpace and FESubspace only
virtual bool extensionRequired() const#
true if space has no trace space
inline virtual const Point &feDofCoords(number_t k) const#
return coordinates of dot as a point (may be virtual coordinates when not a Lagrange dof)
virtual const FeSubSpace *feSubSpace() const#
access to child fesubspace object (const)
inline virtual const Interpolation *interpolation() const#
return pointer to interpolation
virtual bool isFE() const#
true if FE space or FeSubspace
virtual bool isSpectral() const#
true if spectral space
inline virtual Dof &locateDof(const Point &P) const#
< locate Lagrange dof nearest a given point (only for FeSpace)
inline string_t name() const#
returns space name
inline virtual number_t numElement(GeomElement *gelt) const#
access to element number associated to a geomelement
inline virtual void print(PrintStream &os) const#
print utility
virtual void print(std::ostream &out) const#
print utility
inline void printSpaceInfo(PrintStream &os) const#
print utility
void printSpaceInfo(std::ostream &out) const#
print utility
inline virtual const std::set<RefElement*> &refElements() const#
access to set of pointer to RefElement involved in FESpace and FESubspace only
virtual std::pair<number_t, number_t> renumberDofs()#
optimize dofs numbering to reduce matrix bandwith
Public Members
mutable bool global#
declare space as global, if true forbid deletion of pointer space_p
Public Static Functions
static void clearGlobalVector()#
delete all space objects
static const Space *findSubSpace(const GeomDomain *dom, const Space *sp)#
find subspace in list
static Space *findSubSpace(const GeomDomain *dom, Space *sp)#
find subspace in list
static inline void printAllSpaces(PrintStream &os)#
output all spaces in memory
static void printAllSpaces(std::ostream &out)#
output all spaces in memory
Space(const GeomDomain &dom, const Interpolation &in, const string_t &na, bool opt = true)#