
To define a hexahedron, give the 8 vertices, defined as in the following figure.

Figure made with TikZ

Figure made with TikZ

There is a parameter for each of them: _v1, _v2, _v3, _v4, _v5}, _v6, _v7 and _v8. These parameters take points or a single value (in this case, it is like a 1D point). _nnodes prameter can take one single value, an explicit list of 12 values or a Numbers object and _hsteps parameter can take one real value, an explicit list of 8 real values or a Reals object. If required, give names of main domain and side domains as explained in Geometry definition:

Point a(0.,0.,0.), b(4.,0.,0.), c(4.,2.,0.), d(0.,2.,0.),
      aa(0.,0.,1.), bb(4.,0.,1.), cc(4.,2.,1.), dd(0.,2.,1.);
Hexahedron h1(_v1=a, _v2=b, _v3=c, _v4=d, _v5=aa, _v6=bb, _v7=cc, _v8=dd,
              _nnodes={40,20,40,20,40,20,40,20,10,10,10,10}, _domain_name="Omega");

Let’s summarize information about geometrical keys on hexahedra:


authorized types


_v1 , _v2 , _v3 , _v4 , _v5 , _v6 , _v7 , _v8


_v1= Point(0.,0.,0.)