XLiFE++ Training 2024#

This event intends to present XLiFE++ v3.0 mixing theoretical background and practical trainings. It is designed to POEMS, IDEFIX and IRMAR members, engineers, researchers and students.
Lunéville, Éric - POEMS, UMA, ENSTA Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas - POEMS, UMA, ENSTA Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
UMA, ENSTA-Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris 828, boulevard des Maréchaux 91762 Palaiseau Cedex France
9h00 |
Welcoming participants |
9h05 |
General introduction to XLiFE++, by Éric Lunéville |
9h20 |
C++ for dummies, by Éric Lunéville |
9h30 |
About definition of geometries in XLiFE++, by Nicolas Kielbasiewicz |
9h50 |
Overview of a program written in XLiFE++, by Nicolas Kielbasiewicz |
10h10 |
FEM-BEM coupling in XLiFE++, by Nicolas Kielbasiewicz |
10h20 |
Curved elements and convergence results, by Éric Lunéville |
10h30 |
Coffee break |
10h45 |
Five short talks illustrating capabilities of XLiFE++ :
12h00 |
Lunch time |
13h30 |
Exports and visualization in XLiFE++, by Colin Chambeyron |
13h45 |
Using XLiFE++ and small tutorial, by Nicolas Kielbasiewicz |
14h00 |
Practical work session |
15h30 |
Coffee break |
15h45 |
Practical work session (several subjects available) |
17h15 |
The end |